
Recipe: Cheesecake ice cream lights

Cheesecake ice cream lights

Cheesecake ice cream lights are the perfect choice for summer, as they combine everything we love the most - divine taste, creamy texture and cool freshness. And that right on the stick! Let's check the recipe for a summer dessert that we will never get tired of...

Cheesecake ice cream lights they represent everyone's dream ice cream lovers and popular american pies. Creamy texture and fruity taste dwarfs they conjure up the perfect dessert for summer days, when we especially like refreshing drinks and dishes. Creamy "cheesecake" ice cream lights are simply the best for beating the unbearable heat and for when the sugar falls...

Recipe for "cheesecake" ice cream lights:

Ingredients of the "cheesecake" ice cream light:

  • 1 cup chopped fresh strawberries
  • ¼ bag strawberry pudding
  • ¼ bag of vanilla pudding
  • 80 g of sugar
  • 500 ml of milk
  • 500 ml of sweet cream

Preparation of "cheesecake" ice cream light:

First, cook the pudding. Mix a quarter of a bag of strawberry pudding with half of the sugar and half of the milk. Place on the fire and stir constantly while cooking. Put the cooked pudding in the refrigerator to cool. We do the same with the vanilla pudding. Then whip the sweet cream, divide it into two bowls and add the pudding to each. Prepare ice cream light molds and fill them in layers - first with one pudding, then with strawberries and finish with another pudding. Freeze and enjoy!

Cheesecake ice cream lights
Cheesecake ice cream lights

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