
Recipe: Cheesecake with banana pudding

Cheesecake with banana pudding

Intoxicating banana crust topped with creamy banana pudding in the shape of a dreamy cheesecake is one of our favorite desserts. Check out the banana pudding cheesecake recipe and enjoy!

If you like bananas, banana ice cream and banana bread, get a good grip before trying your first bite of banana pudding cheesecake!

Banana Pudding Cheesecake Recipe:

For the crispy crust:

  • ½ cup melted butter
  • ½ cup brown sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ½ cup white flour
  • pinch of salt
  • ¼ cup mashed banana
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

For the filling:

  • ½ cup cream
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • 1 package cream cheese (e.g. Philadelphia)
  • 2 cups of milk
  • 1 package of banana pudding
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

For decoration:

  • 1 packet of (crushed) almond cookies


Oven heat to 190 degrees and grease the tray square or rectangular shape. Mix butter and sugar in a large bowl, add egg yolk, flour, salt, banana and vanilla and mix well again. Pour the mixture into a baking pan and place it in the oven. Bake the crust for about 20 minutes and prepare the filling in the meantime.

Whip the cream until stiff and add powdered sugar in between. We continue with beating, until solid mounds are formed, then put the cream in the refrigerator. In another bowl, beat the cream cheese and slowly add the milk, banana pudding and vanilla extract while beating. Mix until everything is thoroughly mixed and combined. Then carefully stir the whipped cream into the mixture and pour it all over the crispy crust. Cheesecake freeze and serve after about two hours. Before that, sprinkle the pieces of the dessert with crushed almond cookies.

Cheesecake with banana pudding
Cheesecake with banana pudding

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