
Recipe: chocolate souffle

Recipe - chocolate "souffle"

Let's try the recipe for chocolate "souffle" and treat ourselves to the most romantic French dessert with a baked crust and a delicious liquid center.

The recipe for a delicious French dessert - chocolate "souffle" is simple and will not take much time to prepare.

Recipe for chocolate souffle

Ingredients for chocolate souffle:

  • 2 eggs
  • 25 g of powdered vanilla sugar
  • 20 g of white flour
  • 80 g of dark chocolate
  • 70 g of softened butter
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
  • butter and grated chocolate for making cups
  • fresh raspberries
  • vanilla ice cream
Chocolate "souffle"
Chocolate souffle

Procedure for the chocolate souffle:

Heat the oven to 190 degrees. Grease a ceramic dish for baking the souffle with butter and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Then put the container in the refrigerator. Melt butter and chopped real chocolate in a bowl over a steam bath. Stir the melted thoroughly to obtain a uniform mixture and then set aside. Place the eggs and vanilla sugar in a large bowl. Mix until foamy and add the flour, which is very carefully and slowly mixed into the mixture. Then add cooled melted chocolate to the mixture. Pour the mixture into a cooled souffle dish and place in a heated oven. Bake the chocolate souffle for about 10 minutes. Take the nicely risen chocolate "souffle" out of the oven and while it's still hot, turn it over onto serving plates and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries.

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