
Recipe: boiled cocktail with vodka

Forget mulled wine and mulled gin!

Photo: envato

Are you looking for a little Christmas market atmosphere in your home? This recipe definitely makes for a delicious hot cocktail that is easy to make and has a wonderful Christmas flavor.

Boiled cocktail with vodka

  • Servings: 2
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 400 ml of apple juice
  • 1 tablespoon of brown sugar
  • 8 cl of vodka
  • 1/2 apple
  • a little cinnamon


  1. Heat the apple juice in a saucepan. Add the sugar and melt it.
  2. Divide the vodka into two heat-resistant glasses or cups. Then pour hot apple juice.
  3. Wash the apple and cut one half into thin slices. Add two to three slices to the drink and sprinkle with cinnamon.
  4. Serve the drink still warm. For a Christmas look, you can add a sprig of rosemary, a cinnamon stick and some berries.

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