
Recipe: A cup of delicious hot chocolate

Hot chocolate, the ultimate autumn sin, right?! When the autumn air is a little cooler and when we come home cold in the now dark evenings, we often want to drink something warm to warm up. We have quite a few options to choose from: tea, cocoa, mulled wine or, say, hot chocolate.

For many of us with a sweet tooth, it's just the cup hot chocolate everything we want with these on cold autumn evenings, but because at the same time we are all well aware that hot chocolate is real energy bomb, we even manage to give up our habit from time to time (if you are as undisciplined as I am, otherwise it is never).

READ MORE: Autumn recipe: pumpkin cake with chocolate chips

But now you (we) don't have to give up the evening chocolate pleasure - below we present you a simple recipe for healthy, low-calorie hot chocolate that you can prepare from just 5 ingredients!

Ingredients for a cup of delicious hot chocolate:

• milk (you can also try rice or soy milk)
• 2 teaspoons of natural cocoa (we recommend raw!)
• 1 teaspoon of sweetener (we recommend stevia or agave syrup for as few calories as possible)
• a pinch of vanilla/vanilla sugar
• a pinch of cinnamon
Who can resist a cup of chocolate? Who can resist a cup of chocolate?[/caption

Instructions for making a cup of hot chocolate

• Heat the milk slightly.
• Meanwhile, prepare the cocoa, sweetener and cinnamon and mix all three into an additional tablespoon of milk to form a sticky mixture.
• Add this mixture to the milk, then heat until hot (but not boiling!).
• Stir in a pinch of vanilla sugar.
• Pour into a cup and enjoy (if you want, you can sprinkle a little more cinnamon and cocoa on top, or if you're feeling particularly hedonistic, you can add cream).

If Cankar's dear mother knew this recipe, then they would certainly be reading Cup of Hot Chocolate instead of Cup of Coffee in high schools!


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