
Recipe: fluffy pancakes made from only one ingredient

Recipe - precise pancakes

Did you know that you can make pancakes with only one ingredient and without eggs? The recipe for fluffy fluffy banana pancakes will absolutely charm you and will instantly become your favorite pancake recipe.

Change it bananas in fluffy pancakes! You only need bananas for them! It sounds amazing, but the trick is in the way you prepare it.

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Fluffy pancakes.
Fluffy pancakes

You shouldn't blend the bananas, you just have to blend them finely chop and in the end you will get soft pancakes that will just melt in your mouth.

Recipe - precise pancakes:

Ingredients - thin pancakes:

  • 560 g of fairly ripe bananas

The process of making fresh pancakes:
Peel and finely chop the bananas. Arrange on the tray of the dehydrator, which we previously covered with baking paper. Make four good centimeter thick pancakes (we need 140 grams of bananas for each). Dry at 46 degrees Celsius for 12 to 18 hours. Pancakes are ready when they can be removed from the baking paper. Have a good run!

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