
Recipe: homemade apple compote that smells like home

Recipe for apple compote

Homemade apple compote is a great idea when we don't know where to go with all the apples. The preparation is quick and simple, and it can be offered as an independent dessert or as an addition to a dry dessert.

Turn apples into fragrant apple compote. If you don't want to have them all apples for the winter, make them this sinfully good homemade compote, which will fit on any occasion.

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The smell of apple compote will always fill you with warmth.
The smell of apple compote will always fill you with warmth.

You can quickly prepare apple compote combine with other seasonal fruits and in a good quarter of an hour prepare a dessert that your guests will remember forever.

Recipe for homemade apple compote:

Ingredients for homemade apple compote:

  • 600 g of apples (sour varieties)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 6 cloves

The process of preparing apple compote:
Wash the apples well, cut them in half, remove the cores and cut them into cubes. Add squeezed lemon juice, sugar, cloves, cinnamon bark and apple pieces to a container with 250 milliliters of water. Bring to a boil and cook on low/low heat for 10 minutes. Allow the compote to cool slightly and, if necessary, add additional seasoning and sweetening. When the compote is ready, remove the cloves and the crust. Before eating, it can be additionally sprinkled with cinnamon powder and a mint leaf can be used for decoration. If we want to keep the compote for later, store it while still hot in jars for pickling. This way it will be eaten for several months. Have a good run!

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