
Recipe: homemade chocolate ice cream

Photo: envato

On hot summer days, people often look for ways to cool down and treat themselves to a delicious refreshment. Among the various options available, one special delicacy stands out - homemade chocolate ice cream.

Homemade chocolate ice cream made of chocolate is popular among all generations and can bring smiles to faces in an instant. The charm of homemade chocolate ice cream lies in its simple preparation.

Embark on a sweet culinary journey where you can customize the taste and texture of your ice cream.

Homemade chocolate ice cream

  • Servings: 8
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 400 g of condensed milk
  • 500 ml of sweet cream
  • 60 g of cocoa
  • 50 g of chocolate


  1. Pour cold sweet cream into a large bowl. Add cocoa powder and condensed milk.
  2. Using a mixer or a whisk, beat the ingredients until combined and you have a smooth mass.
  3. Melt the chocolate over a water bath or in the microwave and gently stir it into the cream mixture. Make sure it is evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  4. Take an ice cream mold or other suitable container and cover it with transparent foil. Pour the prepared mixture into the container and distribute it evenly.
  5. Cover the bowl with cling film to prevent ice from forming and place in the freezer for at least 6 hours or overnight.
  6. When the ice cream is sufficiently frozen, take it out of the freezer and cut it into pieces or shape it into balls.
  7. Serve in cups, cones or as desired. Enjoy a refreshing and delicious homemade dessert!
Note: If you want to add a little more texture to the ice cream, you can also mix in chopped nuts, chocolate chips or other toppings of your choice during preparation. Adjust the recipe to your preferences and enjoy homemade chocolate ice cream.

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