
Recipe: homemade marshmallow pies

Marshmallow popsicles

Marshmallow popsicles. Everyone is talking about them, but you still don't know what exactly they are and where they are found. It's time to put an end to this. Learn how to prepare them yourself at home, because this will kill two birds with one stone. A simple recipe for pretzels that you will be able to use as soon as the picnic season opens, as they are suitable for roasting on the fire, but if you can't wait until then, you can always dip them in hot chocolate or enjoy them in "Eva's costume".

Sweet warblers marshmallows they are an American staple that was exported to us by movies, specifically the fireside scenes where children were baking this dessert over a fire (it's the most popular way to eat it). Maybe a combination sweet and smoky at first glance she doesn't seem happy, but give them a chance and you won't regret it.

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Marshmallows can also be enjoyed roasted on the fire.
Marshmallows can also be enjoyed roasted on the fire.

Recipe for homemade marshmallows:

Ingredients for homemade marshmallows:

  • 2 bags of powdered gelatin
  • 8 tablespoons of cold water
  • 2 cups of white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract (optional)
  • 0.5 cup of cold water
  • pinch of salt
  • a little powdered sugar

The process of making homemade marshmallows:
First, cover the baking sheet with powdered sugar. Then soak the gelatin in a bowl with eight teaspoons of cold water, and mix the sugar in half a cup of water in a saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat until melted. Then add the gelatin and wait until it boils. Set aside the shrimp. Let stand in a bowl to cool. Add vanilla extract and salt. Next comes the most delayed part. Mix with an electric mixer until it doubles in size (about 15 minutes). Then pour the mixture onto the baking sheet; and the layer should be a good centimeter thick (half an inch thick). Put it in the cold and wait until it hardens so much that it no longer sticks to your fingers. The mass is then simply cut into pieces of any size and dipped in powdered sugar, or you can also in coconut.

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