
Recipe: hot chocolate with Nutella is also a cold chocolate drink

Recipe for hot chocolate with Nutella

Hot chocolate with Nutella is a warm drink for cold days. Although most of us are perfectly happy spreading Nutella thickly on bread, this is far from the only way we can use this famous hazelnut spread. Plus, Nutella hot chocolate is a great way to use up all of the Nutella in the jar (you know that there's always some Nutella left at the bottom or around the edge and it breaks our hearts to throw it away - well, no more!). Hot chocolate with Nutella can also be turned into a cold chocolate drink.

You love hot chocolate? What Nutella? Then we have a recipe for you that will take you just a few minutes! Nutella can be used in the home kitchen in many ways, including for hot chocolate or cold chocolate drink. Hot chocolate with Nutella is a great way to completely "get rid" of all the Nutella that remains in the jar after you can't scrape more than that much out of it with a knife or spoon.

READ MORE: Recipe: Nutella milkshake, prepared without a blender #milkshake

Conjure up hot chocolate or a chocolate drink that no family will be able to resist. You can spice up the basic recipe with chocolate or hazelnut liqueur, rum or vanilla extract and a pinch of salt.

Hot chocolate with Nutella can also be a cold chocolate drink.
Hot chocolate with Nutella can also be a cold chocolate drink.

P.S.: Although it may seem that hot drinks are not the best choice in summer, this is not the case. Namely, if we drink a warm drink for breakfast, we tell the body already in the morning that it will have to cool down rapidly during the day. Thus, drinking warm or hot drinks are even beneficial, because the body starts to deal with the heat more easily and quickly during the day.

Recipe for hot chocolate with Nutella:

Ingredients for hot chocolate with Nutella:

  • 2 tablespoons Nutella (or leftover Nutella)
  • 2.5 dl milk (plain, soy, rice...)

The process of making hot chocolate with Nutella:
Heat the milk, but do not let it boil. Pour it into a cup, add Nutella and stir until the spread is completely dissolved. It is served on its own, but you can add whipped cream on top of the hot chocolate. If hot chocolate is made from leftover Nutella, first pour the milk into a pot with Nutella, seal it tightly, shake it well in the style of a bartender preparing a cocktail, and pour it into a cup. If you want a cold drink instead of a warm one, let the hot chocolate partially cool at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for a while. And happy sweetening!

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