
Recipe: how do we make the perfect gin & tonic?

Gin & tonic remains one of the most popular cocktails. Although it seems quite easy to mix these two drinks together, the secret to a great gin & tonic is in the details, experts say. Check out how to prepare it for the ultimate taste.

Any chef will tell you that a dish is only as good as its ingredients. It's no different with cocktails, so choose for an exquisite taste of the drink gin & tonic only the best ingredients. Also provide fresh ice cubes from quality water and fresh lime. Once you've gathered the right battle gear, follow this recipe.

You need the ingredients for the perfect gin & tonic

  • fresh green lime
  • 50 ml of gin
  • 100 ml of tonic
  • ice cubes directly from the freezer

Additional accessories for the perfect gin & tonic

  • sharp knife
  • cutting board
  • opener
  • a long spoon
  • straw as desired
  • tall glass flask

Preparation of a gin & tonic cocktail

First, roll the lime ten times on the cutting board with the palm of your hand, which will make it easier to squeeze out the juice. Then cut the lime lengthwise. Place it on a board with the flat parts and cut each lengthwise into four parts. This will give you 8 ideal pieces for perfect compression. Take one of the lime wedges between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze the juice into the bottom of the glass. Throw the rest in a glass.

Next, grab a bottle of gin and count to five while pouring. This should pour 50ml of gin. If you don't trust your bartending skills, pour the gin with a scoop. Then fill the glass to the top with ice. Then open the tonic bottle (and nothing before) and pour 100 ml of tonic into the gin. When the bubbles have subsided, stir the drink with a long spoon. If necessary, add enough ice to bring the drink up to about an inch below the rim of the glass. Then add another lime wedge, this time without squeezing it first. This will make the drink a little tastier and also look nicer. At the end in gin & tonic add a straw if you like.

Video: This is how Jamie Oliver makes gin & tonic


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