
Recipe: Intoxicating Strawberry Mousse

Recipe for strawberry mousse

Turn strawberries into a stunning strawberry mousse that will buy you forever with its delicate taste.

Strawberry mousse is a light foamy dessert that will convince even the most picky gourmets.

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You won't be able to resist the strawberry mousse.
You won't be able to resist the strawberry mousse.

A simply prepared lunch full of flavor, it's perfect for moments when you want to pamper yourself or your guests. You will always find some room for it in your stomach, no matter how full it is!

Recipe for strawberry mousse:

Ingredients for strawberry mousse:

  • 250 g of strawberries
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 125 ml of milk
  • 125 ml of sweet cream
  • lemon balm leaves (for decoration)

Strawberry mousse preparation process:
Remove the stalks from the strawberries and mash them to make a strawberry puree. Then separate the whites and yolks. Beat the latter with sugar until creamy. Over a water bath, slowly add milk to the mixture and beat until it thickens. Let's put it aside. Stir the strawberry puree into the mixture with the yolks and cool. Meanwhile, whip the egg whites and sweet cream separately. First, mix the snow into the cold strawberry cream, then the sweet cream. Transfer the strawberry mousse into glasses and place in the refrigerator for at least two hours. Before serving, I decorate the mousse with lemon balm. Have a good run!

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