
Recipe: Peach marmalade with white chocolate

Ready for something new? Like chocolate jam? It sounds extremely good, so you should check out this recipe as soon as possible.

If you like to make your own jam, you should definitely try this recipe at the first opportunity. A case of peach and white chocolate jam. And the best thing about all this is that it is very easy to prepare in just 30 minutes.

Ingredients for peach and white chocolate jam:

  • 1.5 kg of peaches
  • 500 g of gelling sugar Wiener Zucker 2:1
  • 200 g of chopped white chocolate
Peach and white chocolate marmalade.
Peach and white chocolate marmalade

Preparation of peach and white chocolate jam:

The peaches are first quickly dipped in boiling water and then in ice water to make it easier to remove the skin. Remove the pits and cut the peaches into small pieces. Mix them with Wiener Zucker gelling sugar 2:1 in a pot and bring to a boil. Stir for 4 to 6 minutes while gently boiling. Then we do a test with a cold plate to find out if the jam is thick enough. If the drop solidifies immediately on the cold plate, remove the pot from the heat and mix the white chocolate into the mixture. Otherwise, cook for a few more minutes. Pour into the prepared glasses and immediately close tightly.

Do you know?

Marmalade prepared with Wiener Zucker jelly sugar 1:1 or 2:1, has a one-year shelf life.

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