
Recipe: plum dumplings that always work

Photo: envato

Have you ever made your own plum dumplings? Maybe you're worried that making dumplings is too complicated or that they won't turn out the way you want them to. However, we have good news for you! With the right tricks and tips, you can make the perfect dough and create irresistibly delicious plum dumplings.

Plum dumplings, also known as plum dumplings, are a traditional Slovenian dish that can be classified as desserts. These are sweet dumplings made from potato dough, stuffed with plums and cooked. Dumplings are usually rolled in a mixture of breadcrumbs and sugar.

Tricks for making perfect plum dumplings!

1. The right choice of potatoes: For dumplings, it is best to choose starchy potatoes, as the dough will be softer and lighter. It is recommended to use white types of potatoes. Before cooking, wash it well and do not peel it.

2. Cook whole potatoes: To reduce the water content of potatoes, which would require more flour, cook them in their skins. Place it in a pot of cold water, bring to a boil, then cook for about 20 minutes, depending on the size of the potatoes. Check if it is cooked by piercing it with a fork. Once the potatoes are cooked, drain and cool.

3. Mash the potatoes properly: To prepare a soft dough, it is important to mash the potatoes properly. Use a potato masher instead of a blender. This will give you a lighter and airier texture. Allow the mashed potatoes to cool before adding the flour.

With these tricks, you will make the perfect dough for plum dumplings. Remember that it is important to use as little flour as possible, as we want to achieve soft and fluffy dumplings.

Plum dumplings

  • Servings: 10
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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    Ingredients for the dough:
  • 800 g of potatoes
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 30 g of butter
  • 300-400 g of flour
  • Additionally:
  • 60 g of butter
  • 2 tablespoons of oil
  • 200 g of breadcrumbs
  • 200 g of sugar
  • plums


  1. Wash the potatoes well and cook them unpeeled. Once cooked, drain and cool. Then peel it and mash it.
  2. Allow the mashed potatoes to cool, then add salt, egg yolk, butter at room temperature and gradually add flour. Knead the dough. The dough should be slightly sticky, if it is too sticky, add a little more flour.
  3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface and form a rectangle. Then cut larger squares.
  4. Place half of a plum in the center of each square and wrap the dough around it. Form dumplings.
  5. Boil water in a pot, then add the dumplings and cook until they float to the surface. Reduce the temperature and let them cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a pan, then add the oil. When it warms up a bit, add the breadcrumbs. Fry them until they turn golden, stirring occasionally. Remove from the stove and allow the crumbs to cool.
  7. Add sugar to the cooled crumbs and mix.
  8. Roll the dumplings in the breadcrumbs and sugar mixture and serve.

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