
Recipe: Snickers with alcohol

Recipe for Snickers with alcohol

You are very different when you are hungry. Also slightly intoxicated. Snickers with alcohol does both! Turn a Snickers bar into spikes and pour your favorite spirit into it. Find out how below.

You've already tried Snickers with alcohol? The ingredients for a Snickers bar can be used for many things. Cake, balls and other types of pastries, but you can simply enjoy it as you get it in the store. But did you know that with a little improvisation you can also afford it alcoholic Snickers.

READ MORE: Recipe: homemade snickers

You can actually make Snickers spikes (glass), and pour your favorite into it an alcoholic drink. We will show you how below.

Snickers for adults.
Snickers for adults.

Recipe for Snickers with alcohol:

Ingredients for Snickers with alcohol:

  • 1 Snickers
  • spiked spirits (rum, tequila, vodka...)

The process of preparing Snickers with alcohol:
Cut the Snickers in half. Using the handle of a knife or a rolling pin, gently push the soft core towards the bottom to create space for the alcohol. Make sure that you don't pierce the chocolate bars, otherwise the points will leak. Align the bottom so that the Snickers glass can stand on its own, take your desired alcoholic drink and pour. Cheers!

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