
Recipe: Snow globe with ginger cake

The holidays are just around the corner, and with that the time when the house bell will be ringing more often than usual. And as is customary in December, the home is then filled with the smell of cookies and other baked goods, which is a sin to resist. Yes, this is the time when the situation is exactly the opposite of the other eleven months, when we sin with cookies. This month it is a "must", especially if something as magical as an edible snow globe with ginger cake awaits us on the table.

Snow globes are in themselves something special, something fairy-tale and therefore local a must-have piece of holiday decor. If we can eat them, even more so. Snow, which falls on a miniature land is like icing sugar, which diligently "snows" on various pastries in December. And nowhere is it more reminiscent of snow than on a snow globe cake.

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The gingerbread recipe she made Sandeea Cocina can be found on the blog  La Receta de la Felicidad, and you can also choose something other than pottery for the base muffin tin.

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