
Recipe: strawberry tiramisu

Are you interested in how to prepare an excellent strawberry tiramisu that will make your taste buds dance? Then we present you a recipe with which you will prepare an excellent strawberry tiramisu 1..2..3...

On your strawberry dessert list - from now on there will be another recipe for preparing an excellent and refreshing summer dessert - strawberry tiramisu. One that you can prepare extremely quickly and easily and will definitely satisfy even the most select group.

Ingredients for strawberry tiramisu: (you will need to prepare the dessert) 

– 1 package of baby biscuits
– ½ kg of mascarpone cream
– 6 eggs
– 2 vanilla sugars
– 6 large spoons of sugar
– 1 tablespoon of rum
– ½ kg of fresh strawberries

Preparation - strawberry tiramisu:

Mix mascarpone cream with sugar and egg yolks, add whipped egg white. We quickly dip the baby biscuits into cold alpine milk mixed with a spoonful of rum and vanilla sugar, line the baking sheet with them, cover with cream and repeat the process until we run out of ingredients. Sprinkle ground cocoa on top and add strawberries. The recipe was prepared in the spaghetti and pizzeria Favola - Kaval group.

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