
Recipe: summer cocktail with gin and melon

The cocktail that will best refresh us on hot summer days is the perfect combination of melon syrup and gin. These popular summer ingredients combined with mineral water and mint are the perfect blend of summer flavors that will reward the hedonist in you.

You can make the melon syrup yourself and thus bring a special fullness of flavor to the cocktail and enjoy the relaxed aromas. To make the perfect melon syrup, you'll need sugar, boiling water, and the sweetest melon you can find. Mix it all together and turn it into the base for your special summer cocktail.

A refreshing cocktail with melon and gin.
A refreshing cocktail with melon and gin.


For the melon syrup

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • melon cut into pieces

For a cocktail

  • gin
  • 1 cup of mineral water
  • ice
  • mint leaves


Bring the water and sugar to a boil, then remove from the stove and cool well. Add sliced melon and mix everything together in a blender. Then put ice cubes and mint leaves in a shaker and add prepared melon syrup, mineral water and gin. Mix everything well and shake. Your new favorite summer cocktail is ready. Enjoy.

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