
Recipe: traditional Martin's feast

Martin's party

Martin's feast "falls" on the Sunday after St. Martin. It is celebrated every year on November 11, and the holiday dedicated to wine is traditionally accompanied by abundant feasting. If St. Martin's Day falls on a weekday, we can have St. Martin's Feast for two consecutive Sundays. Before and after. The traditional Martin's feast may not be the healthiest, but for the holidays we can indulge in some caloric offense. What else would be left of the holidays if we didn't sin in food? Therefore, let your home also smell of duck, goose or turkey, roasted potatoes, millets and red cabbage.

Traditional Martin's feast it must be strong and plentiful. Martin's gourmet indulgence should not be missed, just as it should not be missed at Christmas dinner. That's why on Martin's Sunday, we forget about modern nutritional principles.

READ MORE: Recipe: Roasted olives in olive oil for a healthy snack

Well, you know what has to be done (besides a glass of cvička respectively sweet must, which are self-evident) can be found on the table when preparing a traditional Martin's feast? Find out everything below, where we publish a recipe that they will also cope with amateur chefs, not just the grandmasters of brandishing cookers.

Ingredients for a traditional Martin's feast:

  • 30 dag of meat (duck, goose or turkey)
  • 3/4 kg of red cabbage
  • 1/2 kg of potatoes
  • salt and pepper
  • cumin
  • onion
  • garlic
  • an apple
  • oil

Preparation of the traditional Martin feast

According to tradition, Martin's feast is prepared "around" crisps roast ducks, geese or turkey, which are the most important part of this feast. Salt and pepper the cleaned meat and let it stand for a while. We then push the unpeeled into its interior an apple, spread it with fat and cover with aluminum foil. In an evenly hot oven, heated to a temperature between 200 and 230 °C, roast the meat for about an hour. Remove the aluminum foil from the roasted meat, remove the excess fat and pour its own juice over it. Bake for another hour, or until the meat is tender. To keep the meat juicy, cook it several times in the meantime pour over with its own juice and, if necessary, add a little soup base or water to it. Since the goose may have too much fat, we remove the skin and all the fat beforehand. Cut this into cubes, melt it and coat the meat with it. When the meat is cooked, remove the apple, cut it into pieces and cover it with the strained sauce formed during baking.

A side dish to the traditional Martin's meal

They should not be missing from the plate millets and red cabbage, but it is also necessary for a perfect Martin's feast roasted potatoes. Since there are as many recipes for roasted potatoes as there are housewives who prepare them, we leave the method of preparation up to you. That's why we entrust you with how to prepare red cabbage. Grate the red cabbage and sauté it in oil in the company of onion and garlic. Add some wine and add salt, pepper and cumin to taste. Grinders can be bought or prepared at home.

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