
Recipe: vegan chocolate pudding with only three ingredients

Vegan chocolate pudding

If you're vegan and one of the hardest things you've had to give up is pudding, or starch cake as it's properly called, then the vegan chocolate pudding recipe is perfect for you. It is just as delicious as the one with milk and eggs. You only need three ingredients to make a fresh pudding, and none of them are chocolate!

You want to know the easiest recipe for vegan chocolate pudding, a dessert without eggs, flour and dairy products? It is no longer a secret that every child knows how to make homemade pudding, but it is so easy, you probably didn't think.

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You must try the delicious vegan chocolate pudding today!
You must try the delicious vegan chocolate pudding today!

Delicious fresh chocolate pudding let's prepare from only three ingredients, of which two are fruit and none are chocolate! If you don't think that's enough for a delicious pudding, you'll have to take it back once you try this one recipe!

Vegan Chocolate Pudding Recipe:

Ingredients for vegan chocolate pudding:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 avocado
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa
  • coconut flour (optional)

The process of preparing vegan chocolate pudding:
Peel a ripe banana, remove the seed from the avocado and put both in a blender. Add cocoa and mix until a smooth, homogeneous mass is obtained. Transfer to a glass or cup and sprinkle with coconut flour if desired. And that's all art! Have a good run!

Video recipe for vegan chocolate pudding:

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