
Recipe: warm sandwich boat with pieces of bacon, eggs and cheese

The perfect brunch

A warm sandwich boat with pieces of bacon, eggs and cheese is the perfect recipe for an even more perfect brunch. The preparation does not take much time, but we still get a concrete meal that can easily be shared. We can enjoy it alone or when hosting company. The preparation is very simple, and the result is divine.

Toast a boat with pieces of bacon, eggs and cheese is the ideal solution when you don't have time to cook, but you want to throw something warm and concrete into yourself. Below you can read what you need to make the perfect brunch and what you need to do.

Recipe for a warm sandwich boat with pieces of bacon, eggs and cheese


  • 1 French loaf (baguette)
  • 5 large eggs
  • 1/3 l of whole milk
  • 100 g of fried pieces of bacon
  • 100 g of cheese
  • 2 on thinly sliced spring onions

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Making a warm boat sandwich with bacon bits, eggs and cheese
In a medium-sized bowl, mix the eggs, milk, bacon, cheese and onion. We make a "deblak" from a French loaf (cut a rectangle at the top and remove part of the soft core). Then pour the mixture into the hollow part with a spoon and bake for 25 minutes at 175 degrees Celsius. The warm sandwich is then simply cut into pieces and eaten while it is still warm.

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