
Recipe: Watermelon with white chocolate

White Chocolate Watermelon Recipe

Watermelon with white chocolate? Sounds great! Like many fruits, watermelon can be used in a thousand and one ways. Instead of ice cream, iced coffee or cookies, why not offer your guests white chocolate watermelon for dessert?

Such as strawberries and chocolate they are a good couple too watermelon and chocolate. Because if you thought that you can only serve watermelon cut into slices or pieces, you are honestly wrong. This one refreshing fruit you can also offer it as a dessert, but you only need to add a few ingredients to it.

READ MORE: Recipe: watermelon pizza - watermelon pizza with cheese and basil

Watermelon slices can be thoroughly "seasoned".
You can "season" the watermelon slices well.

Of course, this will add to the watermelon some calories, but still the bites will count much less than a spoonful of ice cream.

White Chocolate Watermelon Recipe:

Ingredients for White Chocolate Watermelon:

  • watermelon
  • 100 grams of white chocolate
  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 100 grams of raisins
  • 50 grams of coconut flour
  • 250 milliliters of jam

The process of preparing watermelon with white chocolate:
Cut the watermelon into triangles, cover them with jam, sprinkle grated white chocolate, chopped walnuts, sprinkle with coke flour and add raisins. Have a good run!

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