
Recipes: 5 great breakfasts that smell like autumn

May autumn give a warm color to our breakfasts as well. That's why we present you 5 delicious recipes that will be even healthier by using autumn delicacies.

When we think of autumn, we don't conjure up grayness. Opposite. Let's think of warm autumn tones, fragrant cinnamon, sweet honey and crunchy apples. Not to mention pumpkins! We have selected five wonderful autumn breakfasts, which are a great choice for a healthy start to the colder days ahead.

1. Pumpkin Oat Energy Bars

Make it smell like cinnamon
Make it smell like cinnamon

We will sample the stock over the weekend energy tablets, which will be ideal for a great start to working days during the week.

2. Spanish omelette with sweet potatoes

Delicious even without gluten
Delicious even without gluten

Ideal breakfast for anyone avoiding gluten.

3. Honey cornmeal muffins

Honey-sweet muffins
Honey-sweet muffins

Hello honey muffins they are an excellent choice for a sweet start to the day.

4. Autumn pumpkin quinoa

Quinoa also does not contain gluten
Quinoa also does not contain gluten

Nutritious quinoa we can also enjoy it in the form of breakfast.

5. Oatmeal with apples and cinnamon

Baked oatmeal
Baked oatmeal

Let's forget about ready-made boring flakes and bake perfectly autumn oatmeal.

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