
Recognize a toxic person in your vicinity: they always shift the responsibility for their mistakes to others

Photo: envato

A toxic person who avoids responsibility and does not know how to sincerely apologize often turns out to be an extremely demanding person. Why is this happening? What leads her to always blame others for her mistakes?

A toxic person, always he blames others for his mistakes, as she lacks the maturity to admit them. While she may apologize for her actions, be aware that her apology is probably not sincere. Her intentions are often manipulation and abuse as he seeks to achieve his goals.

A toxic person never admits mistakes

In his world, he sees himself as perfect and therefore makes no apologies. When you confront them about their mistakes, she'll be quick to shift the blame to others—whether it's her parents, you, or past partners.

Always he blames other people for his own mistakes, because she is not mature enough to admit that she is wrong and to change her behavior. It doesn't take over responsibilities for his actions and constantly convinces himself that he is on the wrong path because of other people or circumstances. But the truth is that she is fully responsible for her actions and decisions.

Don't expect a sincere apology from a toxic person. For example, if you find out that she cheated on you, she will immediately find excuses that the other person seduced her or that she cheated because of unfulfilled sexual fantasies.

Everything will always be your fault - YOU! Photo: Adi Goldstein / Unsplash

Regardless of the situation, you will always be the one to be blamed.

If you bravely confront a toxic person, they will recount to you the times when they were kind to you in order to cast you in the role of ungrateful.

She will never admit that she made a mistake. She will never stop and think about her actions. No matter how hard you try or how well you treat her, you will always feel like you are losing the battle.

It doesn't matter if you talk to her calmly or raise your voice - it won't affect her. She will create her own reality, which suits her best. In the end, you will be the one who will look like a fool in the eyes of others, you will be the one who will be wrong, not her.

When you're involved with a toxic person, the best thing you can do for yourself is yes you leave. You can't force them to change their toxic ways. Toxic people are only focused on themselves.

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