
Red Bull No Paws Down 2017 – a longboard competition over the breathtaking Osilnica

Red Bull No Paws Down 2017

The world longboard caravan returns to the Kolpa Valley in July, where the Red Bull No Paws Down 2017 will take place, a dizzying four-kilometer drop-off on the Medvedje guten.

Important information
Bully, Bear Gut
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge

Cream of longboarders will go to the Kolpa valley in the summer, where the legendary will take place again KnK Longboard camp on Medvedje gutel (14-day meeting of longboarders). As part of this, it will also take place Red Bull No Paws Down 2017, third in line, when they will skateboarders in the discipline 4 cross to drop out on the steep road from Osilnica to the Strma reber pass, on the section called Bear intestine.

READ MORE: 31 & Change - 100% natural longboard

Osilnica will be full of adrenaline again in July.
In July, Osilnica will once again be bursting with adrenaline.

On a winding four-kilometer track with up to 180-degree turns and 14% slope competitors reach speeds of up to 80 km/h, and it takes 5 to 7 minutes. The rules of the game are simple. Who, while turning or braking with his hand, he slides on the ground, he is eliminated.

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