
Reebok x Victoria Beckham: the most epic sportswear meets high fashion

The image of British fashion icon Victoria Beckham is always complemented by prestigious haute couture pieces from the most famous fashion designers. But this time she surprises with the sports clothing collection she created for Reebok. How did she do this 'sports task'?

Reebok this year surprises with interesting, probably for some unusual collection of sportswear, which she created Victoria Beckham. Yep, socks and t-shirts, captured in black, white and red, he inspired the character of one of the most famous NBA players of all time, Shaquill O'Neal. He has special attention an authentic hallmark on all fashion pieces, namely unique silhouette of a basketball legend.

Already in April, the creator and O'Neal discovered that it was about pieces that they combine sport and high fashion, because we can see it on the clothes clean and precise lines, which have been since used to be very distinctive for Victoria's design.

Beckham says they are hers the first association when looking at Reebok, the 90s, basketball and O'Neal, so this 'iconic centre' was the inspiration for the creation of the latest collections Reebok x Victoria Beckham. In her opinion, none the sports brand doesn't speak as strongly about the 90s as Reebok. The collection she created, however, is a peculiar way with which she wanted to show this wonderful time.

There will be a piece in your closet too?

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More information:
reebok.com and victoriabeckham.com

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