
Recreation at the stadium

For the fourth time, we can take part in a ten-kilometer run on the athletic track, which will take place at the Athletic Stadium in Domžale. The run is intended for all recreational runners, men and women, without mandatory membership in any of the clubs or societies. Runners have 25 laps to run. Pre-registration is required,...

Important information
Atletski stadion, Domžale
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Že četrtič se lahko pri nas udeležimo desetkilometrskega teka na atletski stezi, ki se bo dogajal na Atletskem stadionu v Domžalah. Tek je namenjen vsem rekreativnim tekačem, moškim in ženskam, brez obveznega članstva v katerem od klubov ali društev. Tekače čaka 25 krogov teka. Obvezne so predprijave, število tekačev je omejeno.



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