
A Relationship Full of Love: Signs You're in a Great Relationship

A Relationship Full of Love: Signs You're in a Great Relationship

The frontman of the famous band The Doors, Jim Morrison, once said: "Whoever controls the media controls our minds." And time and time again, he turns out to be right - especially in the area of relationships. Media portrayals of love have something in common. Whether it's unfulfilled, forbidden or extremely passionate love, the relationship is always spiced up with a concrete spoonful of drama. However, in real life, dramatic love affairs would be quite exhausting and somewhat less romantic.

Signs you're in a great relationship:

Both feel safe in the relationship.

Safety is the opposite of drama and tension. Although a secure relationship has its dull days, it is the only true way to achieve a good level of connection and trust with someone.

They are not in contact with their partner day and night.

Part of being an adult and a mature relationship is that you and your partner are able to spend some time apart. After all, no one is perfectly compatible, and at the same time, you have to take care of those aspects of your personality that you don't share with each other.

They don't want to change each other.
They don't want to change each other.

They don't want to change each other.

This is where many couples get confused. When the honeymoon period passes and the rose-colored glasses of infatuation begin to take on their natural color, we also see those qualities of our partner that we do not like. That's when we want to change it, which usually leads to disaster. If you and your partner accept each other, this is a sign that you are in a mature relationship.

Talking about the future doesn't scare you.

In shallow relationships, the conversation about the future is severely curtailed. In a serious and healthy relationship, they are able to plan a long-term joint future.

Even when they disagree, they respect each other.

Disagreement is a part of life. But different views on a problem don't necessarily lead to a big fight. In a mature relationship, you can respect the difference without it hindering you.

Showing love is more important than words.

The phrase "I love you!" in a good relationship, it becomes much quieter and expresses itself through actions, which are the ones that really count.

They are emotionally and physically connected.
They are emotionally and physically connected.

Outbursts of jealousy are rare.

In a mature relationship, jealousy is passé. Partners in an excellent relationship trust each other and know that jumping over the fence is out of the question.

They are emotionally and physically connected.

This is not just a question of sex. In a good relationship, partners establish a bond through which they understand each other better than anyone could imagine.

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