
Remember this if you were betrayed by the one who promised you would never be

"Love is the source of all pain." - Ivan Trinko Zamejski

Have you ever been betrayed by someone you loved with all your heart? Have you ever been hurt by a person who promised and swore never to betray you? Betrayed by the one person you were absolutely certain would never be?

It hurts your soul, it hurts your heart. In a way, it leaves traces in you that change you completely. You are afraid that this could happen again and again. Your trust in people is shaken and you think that you should never let people get too close to you again.

If the person you love betrays you, you have to be strong. Remember the following!

It's never your fault

This person will probably try to manipulate you into thinking that everything was your fault, but you need to realize that this is not true. It's not your fault. You trusted someone you loved with all your heart and thought he would never do anything to hurt you.
This person has broken their words and it is their fault.

Accept that some people are not what they seem

Some people are so good at acting that they deserve an Oscar for Best Actor. Many people are not what they seem and you have to be careful all the time. No matter how much you trust someone, remember that there is always a risk that that person will hurt you. Sometimes you can even spend years with a person and realize that they are not at all what they seem.

Fortunately, such people are not meant to stay in your life

And it's a sign from the universe that people who hurt you like that were never meant to be in your life forever. This person was there as a random bystander who was supposed to walk into your life and teach you the lesson you needed to grow—to realize your mistakes.

Do not seek revenge, it will not help you

You are hurt and thinking about revenge. You assume that after it you will feel better and that you will move on with life faster. Revenge won't help you forget. It will only deepen your pain and you will probably regret everything later. You are not like the person who hurt you. Unlike her, you have a pure heart and that prevents you from hurting her.

Do not seek revenge, it will not help you.

Turn everything that happened into a valuable lesson and learn something from it

Try to look at this person as a sign from the universe that you shouldn't trust people easily. You learned that just because you could never intentionally hurt others, there are people who don't care. In this way, the universe is telling you that this person is not good for you and that you need to remove them from your life once and for all.

Don't lose faith in good people

This does not mean that you should never trust anyone again. You still will. There are still people who deserve complete trust, people with good and kind hearts who could never hurt another human being. People like you.

Believe in yourself, you are strong

You may think at this moment that you will never be able to get over it, but you will. It's hard to understand now, but believe me, everything will be OK. With time and confidence in yourself, you will be able to continue. You'll never get over it completely, but that's okay because it will serve as a great reminder for you in the future.

Confide your pain to your best friend

I shouldn't have to go through this painful journey alone. Find a shoulder to cry on because there are sure to be a lot of tears. And it's totally OK, because it hurts a lot. Let the pain flow through the tears. Talk to the person you trust the most. This will be the best therapy. You are not alone. People who love you will never let you go through such moments alone.

Forgive her and move on

This may not seem as simple as it sounds, but it really is. You will never be able to forget and let go of everything until you forgive that person. Remember that you are not doing this for them, but to close this chapter and finally move on to a new, even better chapter of your life.

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