
Renault Air4: the flying ʺKatrcaʺ

Renault Air4; Photo: en.media.renault.com

The Renault 4L was one of the most successful models of the Renault brand, and between 1961 and 1992 as many as 8 million examples were produced, including one for the Pope. In celebration of the 60th anniversary of the creation of the 4L model, Renault presented a futuristic version of the ʺKatrceʺ.

Renault and TheArsenal joined forces and it was born futuristic study the legendary ʺKatrceʺ, which is now actually a flying quadcopter, or a kind of drone. Renault Air4 it is a symbol of independence and freedom, which was created due to the increasingly dense traffic. In order to have as little downtime as possible in life, the engineers decided to use just sky, which offers new mobility options.

The design of the Renault Air4 is based on the original image with a modern twist and is made entirely of carbon fiber. The headlights are in LED technology, and the overall image is less "boxy" with rounded lines. The drive is represented by four propellers, which are placed on the edges of the concept. The creators imagined a battery with capacity 90,000 mAh, which would drive the Air4 to almost 94 km/h and climbed up to 700 meters high. Definitely interesting concept, which may pave the way for a more plausible flying car.

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