
Renault Megane RX: Megan at high speeds

Renault Megane RX

The Renault Megane RX is the most brutal version of the Megane to date. It was developed by Prodriv, and it will have as much as 600 horsepower. It will be driven by a former freestyle skier, and today a Guerlain Chicherit racer, who will race with him in the rallycross championship, where Ken Block will also stand against him. It won't be easy for him, but Prodrive has repeatedly proven that it is up to the challenge. Last but not least, his vehicles won titles in various motor sports disciplines.

Renault Megane RX were made in England at Penetrating, who became famous with the Subaru conversion (who doesn't know the Impreza rally?). It will be driven by the former world champion in freestyle (like Filip Flisar competed in the ski cross discipline), a regular participant in the Dakar Rally and a stuntman Guerlain Chicherit, who will compete with him in the increasingly popular World Rallycross Championship. He will have 600 horses, and up to 100 km/h it will launch itself in two seconds. Well, Flisar doesn't have bad transportation either, does he (see photo below)?

READ MORE: New Renault Megane Grandcoupe (2016) – enough space for everyone

The Frenchman is known for his daring feats. Years ago he tried to implement the longest jump with a car and did with Mini reverse somersault. The car will be ready for testing September 2017, and it will be seen in action in 2018. Prodrive made it entirely themselves, they also took a bite out of the conversion themselves 2-liter gasoline turbo engine. The most powerful version of Renault Megan it is otherwise Megan GT.

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