
The new Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé: an even more seductive rear

The redesigned Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé

The latest Mercedes-Benz Coupé appeared with an even more dominant body and an even more seductive coupe line. Its rear is more attractive, and the interior is even more luxurious than we have been used to until now.

Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé presented himself in his new image, which is more muscular, but it can still be seen on it elegantly seductive lines. An enviable figure unites in itself sportsmanship coupe and functionality SUV. The end result is a car that can go off-road while being comfortable, luxurious and outrageously good looking. Even the latest Mercedes can be recognized by dominant the front part, with an updated mask and lights. His emphasis is, of course, on the attractive coupé buttocks, which also has modified lights and even more noticeable tailpipes. In addition to the appearance, the GLC Coupé can boast of slightly hybrid 48-volt electrical system, which will help gasoline engines to smaller fuel consumption and to a bigger one comfort and performance.

The interior follows the latest trends of the Mercedes-Benz brand. The rotary knob on the lower part of the central console has replaced the functions of the most current Mercedes-Benz infotainment system MBUX. Instead of using the aforementioned button, we now access and manage functions via sliders on the steering wheel, with voice commands or gestures.

Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé
Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé

Like the rest of the latest generation of Mercedes-Benz cars, the GLC Coupé will have a bunch assistants for driving and security systems. As a novelty, it is worth mentioning the life belt system in the event of a traffic jam on the highway and the assistant for driving during rush hour and traffic jams. We can expect the same engine range as the GLC model. We can expect the Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé live at the upcoming auto show in New York, and for orders will be available against end of this year.

Gallery: Redesigned Mercedes-Benz GLC Coupé

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