
Republica Pasta - fresh take-away pasta

A quick snack, sunny lunch or evening snack. Welcome to Republica Pasta, which brings unique innovations - a variety of home-made pasta delicacies for on-the-go!

Basic information
Republica Pasta
Slovenska cesta 51
Opening hours: Mon. - Friday. from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m
040 151 705

Offering only and only pasta, does not mean that our taste buds will not experience a wide range of pleasures. Boutique bar Republica Pasta distinguished homemade pasta according to carefully selected recipes and freshly prepared sauces.

Quickly prepared homemade pasta with a wide selection of freshly prepared sauces. Photo: Republica Pasta.
Quickly prepared homemade pasta with a wide selection of freshly prepared sauces. Photo: Republica Pasta.

So we can choose from excellent ones ordinary ones, whole grains or spinach tagliatella, fusilli and gnocchi, topped with one of eight rich sauces. The latter found inspiration in Slovenian, Tuscan, Bolognese, Genoese, Abruzzi, Karst, Norwegian and even Indian cuisine, thus providing an extraordinary variety for every taste. The offer is being supplemented individually packaged dried pasta, with which, with a little imagination, we ourselves will be able to conjure up the dishes of the world.

A package of excellent pasta, made according to selected recipes, for home cooking. Photo: Republica Pasta.
A package of excellent pasta, made according to selected recipes, for home cooking. Photo: Republica Pasta.

The selected combination is simple we take it with us, leaving the pasta to stand in the boiling water a good minute, add the sauce and voila, quickly prepared culinary feast it can begin!

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