
Research has shown that you absolutely need THIS to be happy in the workplace

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What determines happiness at work? Experts reveal what it takes to achieve happiness.

Luck is what many of us are looking for in life. But the latest research has shown what is essential for satisfaction and what it is conditioned by happiness at work.

Being happy has a lot to do with how satisfied we are with our work. We spend a large part of our day and life at work. Judging by the eight-hour working day, as much as a third of the day. And that's why it's important to feel good about our work. One of the latest surveys thus showed that as many as 83% respondents answered that they are ready to work even for a lower salary if they feel good at their workplace. So, if they are in good relations with their superiors and colleagues.

Photo: Unsplash/Brooke Cagle

Happiness at work

The research he published HP – Hewlett Packard, researched the index of working relationships in the company. It was the first study by the Palo Alto, Calif.-based tech company to examine workplace relationships. As many as 15,600 participants were included in the survey.

The study measured more than 50 aspects of people's work lives, skills, productivity, engagement and leadership expectations. HP's survey included respondents from 12 countries across a variety of industries, with only 27 % reporting a healthy workplace relationship.

Photo: Unsplash/Linkedin Sales Solution

Dissatisfaction at work or reduced work-life balance leads to lower professional productivity. Personal relationships, health and our personal passions suffer. HP's research concluded that "more than half of these employees struggle with mental health issues, report low self-esteem and feel like they are failing."

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