
Research says that smarter people have fewer friends. Why?

Intelligence, of course, has its advantages: innovation, academic fame and sophistication. But is it possible that high intelligence threatens our social life? Well, recent studies have shown that smarter people have fewer friends than they could have.

A study, which was published in British Journal of Psychology, took place over several years and covered people between the ages of 18 and 28. It has generally been found that people who are more sociable are also happier. A the opposite is true for people with a higher IQ. More intelligent people are less satisfied in life if they often hang out with friends. According to the study, it's simple evolution, a sign that humans have moved a step beyond being a hunter. Less socializing means fewer distractions in various projects and goals and helps intelligent people to adapt to life.

READ MORE: These are the smartest people in the world

More intelligent people have fewer friends.
More intelligent people have fewer friends.

And this is not the only study that touched on modern life combined with the reality of friendships. Scientists looked at ours earlier this year Facebook 'friends' and found that the list of real-life acquaintances consists of only 27.6 percent of the total number of Facebook friends, but only people on whom we really rely 4.1 percent.

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