
Restaurant employees admit what food they would never order

You must have faced the dilemma of which food to order in a restaurant. Despite your immense hunger, you want to order a dish that you believe is prepared to the expected standards. Which types of food should be avoided in such a case?

On the website Reddit there was a recent discussion on the topic of ordering food. People working in restaurants have created a list of dishes that they think are not worth ordering. Did your favorite dish make it into the answers?



The soup, which is in large heating containers, is often excessively cooled and reheated.

Cocktails with fruit

Lemons, limes, oranges and other fruits that are part of the cocktail are usually not well washed. The waiters touch it with their bare hands.

Vegetarian pizza

Vegetarian pizza.
Vegetarian pizza.

Tomato sauce contains animal fat, which is a thickening agent.


Popcorn, which is especially popular among moviegoers, is reheated again and again.

Raw sauce

This type of sauce usually consists of as much as 95 % of butter, while only 5 % of cream cheese gives it flavor.

Carbonated drinks with ice

Carbonated drinks with ice.
Carbonated drinks with ice.

Some research proved that ice in restaurant chains such as McDonald's, Burger and KFC contains far more bacteria than a toilet bowl. This can be attributed to irregular cleaning of the ice machines.

All in a restaurant whose menu is more than 8 pages long

In such restaurants, the food served to guests is pre-prepared and heated in a microwave oven.

You can take care of yourself best with a suitable lifestyle. Most restaurants are very clean, so they do not pose too much of a health risk. The next time you visit a restaurant, it is therefore essential that you first visit the toilet and wash your hands.

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