
Restore damaged hair: 5 steps to shiny and healthy hair

Photo: envato

Do you want to have shiny, healthy and strong hair? If you have been struggling with split ends, brittle hair or loss of shine, then we assure you that you are not alone. How can you restore damaged hair?

Nowadays, when we are exposed to many factors that can damage hair, it is important to know how get it right and restore damaged hair.

Many people face problems like these on a daily basis hair breakage, dryness, lack of shine and general damage to the hair structure. However, there are several ways in which damaged hair can be repaired and restored to a healthy appearance and vitality.

Therefore, it is essential to learn the correct techniques and apply the appropriate ones products, which will provide the hair with the necessary care and restoration.

What is damaged hair? How do we damage our hair?

1. Improper combing

Improper combing and detangling can cause damage to the hair. When combing the hair, start from the ends and gradually move towards the roots. If you hear a strange sound or feel pain while combing, it means that you are tearing your hair. Instead, start brushing your hair slowly and gently to avoid breakage and damage.

2. Gentle handling

Rough hair styling techniques, such as strong pulling in hairstyles, can cause damage to the hair and scalp. To style the hair, use a soft brush that does not cause excessive tension on the scalp. In addition, it is recommended to comb your hair when it is dry or partially damp, and avoid combing wet hair, as it is more fragile and prone to breakage.

Do you have beautiful hair? Photo: Element5 Digital / Unsplash

3. Correct hair pinning

The way you tie your hair can affect the tension in the scalp and hair fibers. Hair ties can be an effective option for securing hair, but it is recommended not to use a thin rubber band as it can tear the hair. Instead, choose a rubber band that's shaped like a cable and twists to reduce tension on your hair.

4. Peeling of the scalp

Scalp care is just as important as facial skin care. Exfoliating your scalp regularly can help restore damaged hair. Once or twice a week, use special products to exfoliate the scalp or use the pads of your fingers to gently massage the scalp. This will help remove dead skin cells, dandruff and product build-up, improve circulation and promote healthy hair growth.

5. Limit the use of hot devices

High temperatures, such as those produced by flat irons, curling irons and hair dryers, can seriously damage hair. Try to reduce the use of these devices or limit their use to low temperatures. Protect your hair from heat damage by using a heat protectant spray or serum before using hot tools. Also, take a break from using these devices from time to time to allow your hair to recover.

Photo: envato

6. The right restoration products

Choosing the right hair care products is crucial in restoring damaged hair. While high-protein products are important for strengthening hair, it's also important to use moisturizing products to help repair and hydrate damaged hair. Consult your hairdresser or stylist to recommend products suitable for your hair texture and condition.

With proper care, gentle handling and the use of the right products, you can restore damaged hair and restore it to health, softness and shine. Be patient, as hair restoration requires time and consistency.

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