
Lofree retro keyboard - the reincarnation of the typewriter

Lofree keyboard

Lofree resembles a typewriter in every way. Except for the connection. You can connect the Lofree keyboard to three devices at the same time and use it in combination with a computer, tablet and smartphone at the same time.

If you swear by retro, Lofree should not be missing in your collection. A case of keyboard, which looks like it belongs to another time, but in its interior it hides what should be expected from modernity external units. The keyboard with round keys and the same key layout as the Apple Magic keyboard has three different backlights and is available in different colors.

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The Lofree keyboard offers an authentic typewriter typing experience.
The Lofree keyboard offers an authentic typewriter typing experience.

It can connect to the device wirelessly or via cable, and it is compatible with systems Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

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