
Mercury retrograde is coming and will have the biggest impact on these 4 astrological signs!

Retrograde Mercury will be from 21.4. until 14.5. 2023

Photo: envato

Attention, attention! Mercury Retrograde is here again and this time it's bringing us some very awkward energy! From April 21 to May 14, it will take place in the stubborn sign of Taurus, which means that repeated problems and chaos await us.

Mercury retrograde it's coming, but don't worry because there is a way to deal with this situation! Realize that you are already equipped with the tools you need to solve your problems, so take a moment to be grateful for what you have.

Don't let Mercury retrograde in Taurus get you out of your comfort zone, instead try something new and inventive.

Fortunately the chaos will subside after May 14, when retrograde Mercury will finally emerge from the post-retrograde shadow.

It is important to deal with Mercury retrograde in the right way. The best way to face this challenge is to take advantage of the qualities of Taurus - their sensuality, loyalty, pragmatism, patience and resourcefulness.

Which four zodiac signs will feel the impact the most? of retrograde Mercury?


Mercury retrograde in Taurus can be a real challenge for you, as it will focus on your personality and self-image. If you often rely on the opinions of others to make you feel complete, this three-week cycle can lead to a distorted perception of yourself.
While there is no reason to panic, don't expect everything to be resolved overnight. Before making any major decisions, take a break and take a deep breath and think about what you really want to achieve.

Mercury retrograde. Photo: Elizeu Dias / Unsplash

During this time, you can go back in time and check if you missed or forgot anything. This is also an opportunity to resolve issues that have been lingering for a long time, so don't delay.

After May 14, you may finally be able to resolve the identity crisis that has been plaguing you for a long time. When Mercury retrograde ends on June 1, you may feel like you're a stronger, smarter version of yourself.


Your ruling planet Mercury has a strong influence on you, so it's no surprise that Mercury retrograde will hit you hard. It will enter your 12th house of endings and subconscious truths, encouraging you to dig deeper into yourself and listen to your inner voice.
During Mercury retrograde, you may feel more introverted than usual. This can lead to unfinished business and long-standing emotional ties that you will be willing to let go of.

However, don't despair as this Mercury retrograde cycle will be over after May 14th and you will be able to focus on what is really important to you.

You may finally let go of what isn't your commitment and purpose, and as Mercury escapes the post-shadow period entirely on June 1st, you'll feel ready to embrace pure energy and brilliance as it enters your sign of Gemini on June 11th. There, Mercury will bless you with inspiration and new ideas.

A virgin

When Mercury goes retrograde, the world feels like it's falling apart. Although this may be a little dramatic, you know very well how much influence this pesky transit has on you, as Mercury is your ruling planet.

This transit can cause you to reminisce about places you once visited or traveled to, as your ninth house of perspectives and philosophies will be retrograde on April 21st.

It will be better soon. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

You may return to certain books, theories, classrooms or retreats as this retrograde will prompt you to rediscover a truth you once knew but later forgot.

You may be searching for a deeper meaning in your life and this retrograde will inspire you to find the meaning you seek. However, you may have to get a little lost before you find your way.


Scorpio, the year was very healing and introspective for you, as you learned to find a healthy balance between "I" and "we" as the North Node transited through your seventh house of partnership.

However, this retrograde will speed up this process by forcing you to examine the people you share your life with on an interpersonal level. On April 21, Mercury will be retrograde in your seventh house of partnerships and relationships, which can cause misunderstandings and conflicts. Especially if there are still unresolved traumas from previous relationships. It may even happen that an ex-partner comes into your life.

However, the drama will subside on May 14. And by the time Mercury leaves its post-shadow period on June 1st, you'll have a much better idea of where you stand with your partners and who you've chosen to spend your life with.

You have outgrown the need for long-term toxic relationships. It's time to raise your standards and choose healthy and harmonious relationships that will enhance your life and personal growth.

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