
Retrospective exhibition and last concert: Bye Bikofe, see you!

Bikofe bids farewell to Židovska cesta with a retrospective exhibition, which will be accompanied by an excellent musical DJ line-up from November 25 to December 25.

Important information
Židovska steza 2, 1000 Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

After four years, the team Bikofeya found out before the end. For several reasons, but mainly because some people living nearby wanted it too much. Since the pressures from all sides are simply too much, the team decided to say goodbye to the Jewish Trail in true Bikofeev spirit - with an excellent musical program - and then let it sleep into a peaceful, light and long night. In any case, this is not the end of Bikofe's story, as the team hints that it may continue its journey somewhere else. Before saying goodbye, he invites us to take a look retrospective exhibitions, which will take us through the years when they thrilled their visitors with various events, and to listen to a varied good night music program. From November 25 to December 25, 6 times a week we will be able to enjoy the rhythms of the DJs who stood behind the mixing desk of the cafe, which unfortunately met its end, for all four years.

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Photo: Fejzo Košir

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