
The 9 Greatest Magic Tricks Revealed

The number of wizards in the world is very low. On average, only one individual in 25,000 people is able to perform magic tricks. With our help, you too can join the elite group.

We present to you 9 brilliant spells to enchant your friends and family members.

9. The dove

In the 8th series of Britain's Got Talent, Canadian magician Darcy Oake wowed the audience with tricks involving a dove. How did he manage to conjure a bird with the help of a burning feather? The answer is simple. A quill is basically a “flash paper” that magicians use as an illusionary tool. As the fire erupted, Darcy quickly pulled the dove from a secret pocket in his sleeve.

8. The outstanding card

What is behind the trick in which the spectator chooses a card, which the magician later draws again from the pile? Even before the magician returns the card to the pile, he places a small tile on it, which pushes the chosen card out of the pile.

7. The can on the card

It is difficult for a mere mortal to figure out how a can can be placed on a standing card. The card used for this trick is actually T-shaped and made from two folded cards.

6. Phone in a bottle

How can a magician put a phone inside a plastic bottle in an instant? For this trick, he usually uses a thimble with a small but sharp notch. After proving to the audience that the bottle is intact, he secretly punctures the bottle and shoves the phone inside.

5. Turning the phone over

Famous magician Dynamo shocked people on the street with a trick in which he flipped the case of an iPhone so that half of the screen and the back were on one side of the phone. Dynamo got half of the phone cover earlier and then used it to cover the screen.

4. Lemon

The next magician to impress the contestants on Britain's Got Talent is Jamie Raven. In his last trick, he used the signed slip of judge Alesha, which he folded and replaced with the slip "Look inside the box". He then reached into the gift bag with his hand, cut the lemon on the bottom and inserted a signed note.

3. Conversion of water to ice

What happens when an illusionist pours water into a cup that instantly turns to ice? The answer to this question lies in the cup. This already contains an ice cube and a sponge that absorbs water and is colored the same as the cup.

2. Walk through the wall

How can a wizard simply walk through a wall? Beneath his feet is a V-shaped tunnel that allows him to appear on the other side of the wall in an instant.

1. A saw

David Copperfield literally 'cuts himself in half' in one of his favorite hacks with a saw. The secret to performing the trick lies in a special table that allows Copperfield and his assistant to hide half of their bodies from the audience. Otherwise, the blade sinks into the space in the middle of the table.

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