
Rings in the form of city landmarks

Rings with the image of city landmarks

The rings in the shape of landmarks of famous cities are the work of Ola Shekhtman, a Serbian woman who lives in a suitcase. In St. Petersburg, a skilled goldsmith transforms the architectural landmarks of world capitals into rings. Check out the views of Paris, New York, London, Beijing, Stockholm and other cities on jewelry.

Rings Ole Shekhtman have inspired architectural landmarks cities around the world. The Serbian woman moves to another city every few years, where she then creates. Gold and silver rings are handmade and reflect the city's landmarks.

READ MORE: Talon - Your next PC game controller could be a smart ring!

Check out what they are city dominants metropolises and other world cities as rings. Would you wear such jewelry? You can buy works from the artist's collection in the online store esty.com.

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