
RIO and Massimo Savić

The legendary Croatian performer Massimo is finally returning to the embrace of the Slovenian audience. Everything you'd like to hear live again after a long time,...

Important information
Križanke, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
29 EUR

The legendary Croatian performer Massimo is finally returning to the embrace of the Slovenian audience. Everyone who would like to hear him live again after a long time is invited to Ljubljana's Križanke on September 27 at 9 p.m. Tickets are on sale from today at all Eventim, Petrol, Big Bang stores and at the Križanke box office. The ticket price is €29 in advance.

Three years after the excellent studio record 'Sunce se přední rađa', the intermediate concert album 'Massimo sings Sinatra', at the end of last year he released his 14th album entitled 'Touch me by accident'. There are 13 new tracks on it, and the sound is even more direct, organic and as such closer to an even wider circle of listeners. Among the songs there were also three interesting collaborations - 'Prospi riječi' with Nina Badrić, 'Što bi mi bez nas' with our Zoran Predin and 'Za jednom kapi čistog života' with the legendary Arsen Dedić.

Massimo's characteristic vocals and sensual performance have always impressed the visitors of his concerts, so we can say without a doubt that he is still one of the best performers in the area of the former Yugoslavia. For the Ljubljana concert, we can predict surpluses for the eyes and ears. An excellent and well-coordinated group of colleagues and musical colleagues will present all of his cult hits, which will surely be given their stamp by the magical Križanka.

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