

Guitar Hero broke all preconceived notions (and sales records) about this type of video game before it. Will the same happen to Rocksmith? At Ubisoft, they announced the arrival of a real simulation (on the verge of video instructions?) of playing the electric guitar. In contrast to similar games (Guitar Hero, Rock Band), we will...

Guitar Hero broke all preconceived notions (and sales records) about this type of video game before it. Will the same happen to Rocksmith? At Ubisoft, they announced the arrival of a real simulation (on the verge of video instructions?) of playing the electric guitar. In contrast to similar games (Guitar Hero, Rock Band), in Rocksmith we will hold a real guitar in our hands. Well, we'll have to have that before. We will connect the guitar directly to a gaming console (Xbox 360, PS3) or computer. The game will automatically adapt to the level of our (prior) knowledge of playing the guitar and navigate us accordingly through the playback of various memorable rock hits.

Price: Not yet known, available Fall 2011 at www.ubisoft.com

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