In this production of William Shakespeare's masterpiece, we will still be dealing with the fatal love affair between Romeo and Juliet, the audience will still witness the legendary scene on the balcony, and the end will still be full of dead, both those who deserved it and those who who are these...
V tokratni uprizoritvi mojstrovine Williama Shaekespearja bomo imeli še vedno opravka z usodnim ljubezenskim zapletom med Romeom in Julijo, še
vedno boste gledalci priča legendarnemu prizoru na balkonu in še vedno
bo na koncu polno mrtvih, tako tistih, ki so si to zaslužili, kot tistih, ki so si to zaslužili malo manj. A ker gre za lutkovno predstavo, bo v njej precej manj besed kot v izvirniku, zato pa mnogo več odrske dinamike, naj gre za glasne prepire, divje pretepe, strastni ples ali (ne)ubrano petje.
So, still a story about fatal love and its consequences, about loyalty, devotion, belonging and fatelessness, but in a fresh, modern and original way. Romeo & Juliet.