
Romotow: a futuristic caravan that opens like a Swiss army knife

We see many different types of caravans on the road, especially during the summer tourist season. Some are more 'boxy', others more 'cucumber' shaped. What they all have in common is that they look completely outdated next to the Romotow caravan.

Futuristic caravan Romotov it will enable you to spend your holidays in style. Romotow will be perfect for an escape into the unknown, into the wilderness, where you can open a cold beer and in comfort and style. The main advantage of the Romotow trailer is in its central living area, which opens as a press of a button swiss army knife.

With that we acquire for what 70 % additional surfaces, which we can use as a kind of porch trailers. So you will no longer have to put up a canopy for the hall, because you will just pressed the button and you will already have a pleasant porch in front of the entrance to your trailer. New Zealand's Romotow is like a breath of fresh air among caravans, which may convince someone else to spend their holidays on such the 'nomadic' way.


What is not this way of opening crazy?


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