
Jackass is back with a rude grandpa

Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa

On October 24, Slovenian cinemas will be able to see another comedy series from the creators of Jackass, a comedy about 86-year-old grandfather Irving Zisman, who travels around America with an unexpected companion, his 8-year-old grandson Billy.

Irving and Billy will take viewers on the craziest hidden camera journey ever filmed. Along the way, Irving will introduce little receptive Billy to people, places and events that express "child raising" they give new meaning.

Cheeky Grandpa - definitely fun.
Cheeky Grandpa - definitely fun.

The couple will meet undressing boys, disgruntled children's beauty pageant participants and their equally disgruntled mothers, mourners at the funeral home, visitors "biker" bar and a host of unsuspecting citizens. Real people in unreal situations made for truly the most repulsive comedy.

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Rude Grandpa
Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa, USA, 2013

Directed by: Jeff Tremaine.
They play: Johnny Knoxville, Jackson Nicoll, Spike Jonze.


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