
Run away from him: this way you will recognize a cunning seducer in an instant!

Remember that every situation is unique. Fortunately, we women have a great weapon: intuition. If he tells you that something is wrong, then don't be hasty in your decisions. But if you also just want to have fun, then you can relax!

There are men who spend the night with a woman and never call or look for her again. These men have their own tricks and 'rituals' that always work. So if you're looking for long term relationship, don't be too happy when you meet a seducer. If you want stability, you have to be like that avoid boys.

So that you don't become the next victim, we have prepared some warning signs of a seducer who does not want a serious relationship. We hope your 'prince on a white horse' is not one of them.

This is how you instantly recognize a cunning seducer...

1. He doesn't call you in the first few days.

If you have agreed to talk to each other, you have been waiting for it for several days, and when you are just about to forget about him, he calls..., then this is a warning sign.

2. He looks very confident.

Such men know that self-confidence is their advantage. Moreover, this method works even when there is no reason to trust it. The most important thing is that he shows that he is a real macho and that he has everything under control (you may never know exactly what these things are).

He does not lack self-confidence.
He does not lack self-confidence.

3. He flirts with other women to get your attention.

This is the oldest and most effective method. If a man is popular with women, he must really be a superman. Of course, he will never go too far, because the real target is you. Pay attention to his behavior when he is surrounded by other people.

4. He tries to touch you every chance he gets.

There is a difference between the way a man who is in love with you touches you and the way a man who wants to spend one night touches you. A man in love will touch you less. A man who needs a one-night stand, however, will touch you every chance (appropriate or inappropriate) he gets.

If he openly flirts with others, be careful.
If he openly flirts with others, be careful.

5. He tells you exactly what you want to hear. Like in a fairytale!

If you meet a guy who tells you everything you want to hear from a man on the first day, this is a warning sign. When a man wants to seduce you, he wants to arouse a storm of emotions in you. Normal men don't usually show their emotions so openly or so quickly.

6. The way they met was unusual.

If you feel like the way you met a guy was weird or unusual, it may have been a prank. The most important thing is that this man impresses you and captures you with it.

Was your meeting rigged?
Was your meeting rigged?

7. It always looks perfect.

A 'polished' appearance, good clothes and a good perfume are signs that should probably warn you. Not all men are so attentive to their appearance. There is nothing wrong with a man who looks stunning… unless you notice other warning signs as well.

8. He looks very well educated and well mannered.

If you meet a very intelligent man, that doesn't mean he wants a one-night stand. But if he tries to prove his knowledge at every opportunity and this knowledge is a bit one-sided, be careful. A true fan of poetry should know more than just one poem.

It always looks perfect!
It always looks perfect!

9. He is mysterious and enigmatic.

Women are always attracted to men who are mysterious. The less you know about him, the more interested you are. Skilled seducers know this very well and know how to use it to their advantage. If he's asked you a lot of questions, but you still don't know anything about him, he might be a man trying to manipulate you.

What to do to avoid manipulation?

If you don't believe compliments, ignore them. The same goes for touches. Don't let the person get too close to you. If you are really interested in this person, their interest in you will grow. A sophisticated seducer will be repulsed by this and will look for an easier target.
Try to get as much information about this person as possible. Watch the way he responds to you. If he likes to change the subject, that's a warning sign.
If you're really worried that a guy is manipulating you, don't answer his calls. Try to reschedule your date. A man who doesn't want a real relationship will give up.

Remember that every situation is unique. Fortunately, we women have a great weapon: intuition. If he tells you that something is wrong, then don't be hasty in your decisions. But if you also just want to have fun, then you can relax!

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