
Sadness is allowed even if you believe in the power of positive thoughts!

Photo: envato

Grief is an ocean that you can swim in until you run out of breath and out of strength. If you are an eternally positive person, you may think that it is wrong to be sad and that you should transform or neutralize sadness with positive thoughts and mental strength.

You will try and fail because grief has a purpose and a meaning. It is an integral part of life. A constant state of happiness and positivity is not realistically feasible. Accept sadness, embrace it and open your heart to it! Don't defend her.

Grief becomes attached to a person. Sad people are vulnerable and open. Grief has its own beauty in addition to its purpose and meaning.

You cannot chase away sadness with affirmations and impose them on your being who is bathed in sadness. Grief gives a different perspective. With it, you can see things from a different angle, from below, from within, from the shadows.

When you cleanse yourself of tears and pain, your perspective changes and you see things differently, you see a bigger part of the picture of your life.

There are many methods, techniques, how to be positive, how to be happy, how to love yourself. But no one teaches you how to be sad.

There are no instructions on how to be sad, nor how to become happy again, because you don't need one. Both come from within – from you!

Grief is a part of life. Photo: Ahtziri Lagarde / Unsplash

When you believe in the power of positive thoughts, you don't overcome sadness, you don't enter permanent joy and positivity, but you unite everything you have within you with love. And when sadness comes to a positive person, he accepts it, embraces it, cries and laughs with it - in the deep intimacy of his soul.

Life doesn't stop happening the way it does if you stay positive. It brings losses you are not ready for, sudden reversals, failures. Everything is constantly happening, in waves and periods.

You will feel empty and defeated from time to time. Sometimes you will be deeply sad. Why? What you need to learn is not to be afraid of sadness and not to try to chase it away. Accept it, just like any other emotion! Experience and respect it.

When you really do this, you will feel that all is well, that life is good and fulfilling, and that you are happy even though you are very sad.

The essence of positivity is the stability of certainty, that everything has its purpose and meaning, that what must happen is happening. And that you are able to face it, because the burden assigned to you corresponds to your strength.

Allow yourself to feel - all the emotions!

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