
Safe on the trip - how to ensure safety on the trip?

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, security is one of the basic requirements that a person must fulfill. Whatever we do, we always want to be safe. Likewise, safety should not be neglected when traveling. And we are not only talking about the insurance that we can get when booking a flight, but also about the weaknesses of our destination and the things that we need to consider in order to be as safe as possible on our trip. Here are tips on how to stay safe while traveling.

1. Let's avoid wearing expensive things that quickly catch the eye.

We leave our best jewelry at home or in the hotel, as well as our best and most expensive technological toys.

2. We provide a fake wallet that acts as a decoy.

We hide our wallet and carry a fake one in our pocket. There should be a few ancient bank cards and a small sum of money inside. This will deter thieves and pickpockets.

3. Let's copy the documents.

Let's scan and copy the most important documents. This will provide us with some security in case our documents are stolen.

4. Let's not be too "obvious tourists".

Avoid carrying the camera around your neck and carrying the guide in your hand. Let's try to blend in with the crowd so we're not such an obvious target.

5. Never store all money in one place.

Be careful with money, let's not keep all the money and bank cards only in the wallet, but distribute them wisely and stick to the second point (fake wallet as bait).

6. We adhere to healthy skepticism.

Let's not be too trusting of those friendly foreigners.

7. Do not delay in choosing travel insurance.

This will calm us down a bit on the trip, and it will also come in handy in the worst case scenario.

8. Don't overdo it with alcohol.

Too drunk, we are an easy target for all the wrongdoers.

9. Let's go to the reconnaissance.

Let's ask locals and experienced travelers where the safest locations are.

10. Let's pay attention to various tricks.

Before we travel, it is best to find out about the most common tricks performed by various miscreants on the streets.

11. Let's learn the language.

Nothing attracts thieves more than loud English-speaking tourists. If we learn some of their language, then we will quickly blend in with the crowd.

Have a safe holiday
Have a safe holiday

12. Let's learn and respect local customs.

If we are disrespectful, the locals will quickly resent it. This means that it does not bode well for us if we get into trouble. So read on How we should not behave as tourists in foreign countries,

13. Let's get to know the rules.

Let's make sure we know the rules and laws of the destination we are traveling to.

14. Traveller's checks.

We don't just deal in cash, let's exchange some money for traveller's cheques.

15. Let's inquire about the destination also from public information.

Before we go on vacation, let's inquire about our destination also from official advisors.

16. Let's be aware of the surroundings.

How quickly we are drawn in by the city, its history and culture. But let's not let it completely overwhelm us and keep one eye and ear always on the lookout for the surroundings.

17. Let's handle the wallet wisely.

If we go to busier places where there are pickpockets, do not leave your wallet in your back pocket.

18. Let's learn to dive safely.

If we want to learn to dive, let's make sure that our instructor is good and, above all, the right one.

19. Let's not fight with thieves.

If we happen to be robbed, don't try to start a fight.

20. Remember the telephone numbers of local authorities.

If we are the victim of a criminal act, we will be able to report the act immediately.

READ MORE: 21 travel tricks you must know before you go on vacation

Here are some of the least safe cities in the world:

1. Nairobi, Kenya
2. Peshawar, Pakistan
3. Bogotá, Colombia
4. San Pedro Sula, Honduras
5. Sana'a, Yemen
6. Cape Town, South Africa
7. Guatemala City, Guatemala
8. Baltimore, Maryland, USA
9. Detroit, Michigan, USA
10. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

These are the safest cities in the world:

1. Hilo, Hawaii
2. Copenhagen, Denmark
3. Seoul, South Korea
4. Toronto, Canada
5. Reykjavik, Iceland
6. Tokyo, Japan
7. Zurich, Switzerland
8. Dubrovnik, Croatia
9. Singapore City, Singapore
10. Stockholm, Sweden

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